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卫生与健康中心宣布任命Dr. Nicholas Ganson as Interim Dean of 希腊的大学

卫生与健康中心高兴地宣布任命. Nicholas Ganson as Interim Dean of 希腊的大学, effective July 1, 2024. Dr. Ganson, an esteemed academic and dedicated member of the 希腊的大学 community, will...


从新罗马到古罗马-圣. 海伦的朝圣2024

Under the leadership of the Dean of 圣十字, Fr. 尤金J. 彭蒂科,并与Fr. Philip Zymaris和Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, the faculty and 学生s participating in St. 《网赌送彩金平台大全》完成...


Inaugural Senior Recognition Luncheon Honoring 希腊的大学’s Class of 2024 Academic Achievements

5月15日星期三, 2024 at 12 pm at the 马里奥蒂斯文化中心’s East Wing, 希腊的大学 held the first annual senior recognition luncheon honoring the academic achievements of the class of 2024. 网赌送彩金平台大全...


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亚历克斯·德莫斯开始 his MDiv program at 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 (HCHC) in 2019, transitioning from his role as a youth director and pastoral assistant at St. 科罗拉多州丹佛的凯瑟琳. 在COVID-19大流行期间, 亚历克斯接受了一个新的挑战, joining the CrossRoad Summer Program and eventually serving as its program director for two years.

在这个变革时期, 亚历克斯遇到了他的妻子并娶了他, Constandina, 他们迎来了一个美丽的女儿, Panayiota, 融入他们的家庭. 今年夏天, 毕业后, Alex and his family are excited to return home and serve their Metropolis of Denver.

Best wishes to Alex, Constandina, and Panayiota on their new chapter!


亚历克斯·德莫斯开始 his MDiv program at 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 (HCHC) in 2019, transitioning from his role as a youth director and pastoral assistant at St. 科罗拉多州丹佛的凯瑟琳. 在COVID-19大流行期间, 亚历克斯接受了一个新的挑战, joining the CrossRoad Summer Program and eventually serving as its program director for two years.在这个变革时期, 亚历克斯遇到了他的妻子并娶了他, Constandina, 他们迎来了一个美丽的女儿, Panayiota, 融入他们的家庭. 今年夏天, 毕业后, Alex and his family are excited to return home and serve their Metropolis of Denver.Best wishes to Alex, Constandina, and Panayiota on their new chapter! ... 查看更多看到少

我们的圣. 海伦的朝圣之旅继续! 我们pilgrims journeyed from Constantinople to Rome, visiting iconic sites such as St. 彼得大教堂, 梵蒂冈博物馆, 圣玛利亚马焦雷, 罗马圆形大剧场, 圣玛丽亚古董店, 罗马广场, 科斯梅丁的圣玛丽亚, 和《城墙外的圣保罗. They celebrated a Divine Liturgy in the catacombs of St. 多米提拉,众多圣徒的安息之地. On their last day in Rome, they were warmly welcomed at St. 西奥多希腊东正教, celebrating the Divine Liturgy and enjoying fellowship with the local Orthodox community.附件图片附件图片+1附件图片

我们的圣. 海伦的朝圣之旅继续! 我们pilgrims journeyed from Constantinople to Rome, visiting iconic sites such as St. 彼得大教堂, 梵蒂冈博物馆, 圣玛利亚马焦雷, 罗马圆形大剧场, 圣玛丽亚古董店, 罗马广场, 科斯梅丁的圣玛丽亚, 和《城墙外的圣保罗. They celebrated a Divine Liturgy in the catacombs of St. 多米提拉,众多圣徒的安息之地. On their last day in Rome, they were warmly welcomed at St. 西奥多希腊东正教, celebrating the Divine Liturgy and enjoying fellowship with the local Orthodox community. ... 查看更多看到少

Join us for Orientale Lumen XXVIII: Primacy in the 21st Century!
📍 Location: The Washington Retreat Center (Virtual Sessions)

由东方流明基金会共同主办, 华盛顿神学协会, 以及HCHC的赫芬顿普世研究所, this conference will feature esteemed speakers reflecting on the Catholic-Orthodox Theological Dialogue. 

*Ravenna (2007): Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church: Ecclesial Communion, 调和与权威
*Chieti (2016): Synodality and Primacy During the First Millennium: Towards a Common Understanding in Service to the Unity of the Church
*Alexandria (2023): Synodality and Primacy in the Second Millennium and Today

*Three virtual evening sessions (7:00 - 8:30 pm EDT)
*Pre-recorded lectures available for early viewing

*Metropolitan Job of Pisidia (video recording only): Orthodox Co-Chair of the international dialogue
*Bishop John Michael Botean: Romanian Catholic Eparchy of Canton, OH
*Fr. Hyacinthe Destivelle: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, The Vatican
*Fr. Radu Bordeianu: Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
*菲利普·哈利奇亚斯神父:世界教会协会, 编辑器, 团结祈祷周, Adjunct Professor: Orthodox-Catholic Relations and Ecumenism at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院
*Fr. Nicolas Kazarian: Ecumenical Officer, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese 
* Msgr. Paul McPartlan (video recording on the status of the dialogue): Professor Emeritus of CUA, 国际对话成员



Dont miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of ecclesial communion and authority, and to engage with leading voices in ecumenical dialogue. 今天注册!

Join us for Orientale Lumen XXVIII: "Primacy in the 21st Century"!

📅日期:2024年6月17-19日📍 Location: The Washington Retreat Center (Virtual Sessions)由东方流明基金会共同主办, 华盛顿神学协会, 以及HCHC的赫芬顿普世研究所, this conference will feature esteemed speakers reflecting on the Catholic-Orthodox Theological Dialogue. 对话主要语句:*Ravenna (2007): "Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church: Ecclesial Communion, 和解与权威”*Chieti (2016): "Synodality and Primacy During the First Millennium: Towards a Common Understanding in Service to the Unity of the Church"*Alexandria (2023): "Synodality and Primacy in the Second Millennium and Today"✨活动亮点:*Three virtual evening sessions (7:00 - 8:30 pm EDT)*Pre-recorded lectures available for early viewing*参与小组讨论和现场问答&一个会话🔊喇叭:*Metropolitan Job of Pisidia (video recording only): Orthodox Co-Chair of the international dialogue*Bishop John Michael Botean: Romanian Catholic Eparchy of Canton, OH*Fr. Hyacinthe Destivelle: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, The Vatican*Fr. Radu Bordeianu: Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA*菲利普·哈利奇亚斯神父:世界教会协会, 编辑器, 团结祈祷周, Adjunct Professor: Orthodox-Catholic Relations and Ecumenism at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院*Fr. Nicolas Kazarian: Ecumenical Officer, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese * Msgr. Paul McPartlan (video recording on the status of the dialogue): Professor Emeritus of CUA, 国际对话成员💲会议费用:完整虚拟程序50美元.00(售价)📌网上报名: olfoundation.net/upcoming-events/orientale-lumen-xxviii/Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of ecclesial communion and authority, and to engage with leading voices in ecumenical dialogue. 今天注册! ... 查看更多看到少


It is an honor for us to co-sponsor this year's Orientale Lumen conference. We look forward to a productive and informative exchange of ideas at Orientale Lumen XXVIII. Join us for this conference to deepen your understanding of ecclesial communion and authority, as well as to engage with leading voices in ecumenical dialogue.

